Hi! I’m Qingzheng. I obtained my Ph.D. in astrophysics awarded by the Department of Astronomy at Xiamen University on June 30, 2023. I’m interested in the cold/cool gas evolution and star formation of galaxies, as well as their circumgalactic medium (CGM). Particularly, I’m interested in gas recycling and various physical processes (e.g., star formation, galactic feedback, quenching) during the evolution of galaxy mergers and active galactic nuclei (AGNs).

I’m an observer experienced in spectroscopic observations with radio and millimeter telescopes, including FAST, VLA, GBT, IRAM-30m, JCMT, and Parkes. I also have experience in spectroscopy, narrow-band imaging, and IFU observations with the P200/Hale telescope. I’m currently working on the HI and CO observations of nearby galaxy pairs selected from the SDSS-IV MaNGA survey, advised by Prof. Taotao Fang at Xiamen University. I’m leading a systematic survey of HI absorption lines in low-power radio AGNs using FAST, and I will use the spatially resolved HI follow-up observations with VLA to study the origin and kinematics of the HI absorbers. Additionally, I’m working with Dr. Yong Zheng and analyzing the data from FAST to study the high-velocity clouds (HVCs) of the Milky Way.

ADS Publications